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Is Nature Calling You?

Day 1 - Inception of our Nature Challenge (Find it on instagram):

This is the message I have been getting for a long time now, so, of course, when things got really difficult and I got desperate, I finally decided to listen!

Which brings up the point, why is nature so hard for us to get to? Most people today go to the gym regularly, do daily activities for their wellbeing, or at least take some sort of supplement or medication rather regularly, so why couldn't I treat nature in the same way, as a daily supplement for my wellbeing ( #vitaminn )? It's definitely more fun than the gym and often smells better to : ). It hardly ever costs any money and is definitely cheaper than a gym membership, medication, or those super fancy supplements I get at the health food store. And, to be honest, it's probably better for my mind and body than most of those other things I prioritize over it, which is basically everything. So why is it so hard for me to make this daily choice, even just once a week?

Recent chronic health problems have made me re-evaluate many things including how I go about my day, what is most important and the way I try to treat my health and wellbeing.

In an effort to realign myself with those things, I am taking on a year long challenge to appreciate something in nature every day (inspired by the #30x30NatureChallenge ). These are my adventures, insights and experiences!

Hold me accountable, keep me motivated or just get a secondhand dose of that good ol' Vitamin N!

PS. In an effort to not feel so alone in this endeavor, I ask: Do you ever feel that nature is calling you?

If you have a minute, please feel free to answer this question in the comments section bellow. Simple yes or no is fine, but any response is welcome!

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